Carbide end mills - CNC14 Set 1
This CNC14 cutter set contains 10 solid carbide tools of various types, such as diamond-toothed end mills, two-cutter, engraving cutter and engraving stylus. The board cutters have a 1/8 "shank which corresponds to a shank of 3.175 mm.
The respective intended use and useful operating parameters are described in the instructions.
Consisting of :
- Manual with parameters for each cutter
- 1 x 1.5 mm 1-Flute order no.: L1S.0150
- 1 x 3.0 mm 1-Flute order no.: L1S.0300
- 1 x 1.5 mm 2-Flute order no.: L2S.M.0150
- 1 x 3.0 mm 2-Flute order no.: L2S.M.0300
- 1 x 3.0 mm 2-Flute lefthand spiral order no.: L2S.0300.LI
- 1 x 1.2 mm diamond toothed order no.: LDV.M.0120
- 1 x 2.0 mm diamond toothedorder no.: LDV.M.0200
- 1 x engraving tool 90° order no.: LGS.0090
- 1 x 1.2 mm spiral toothed order no.: LSV.M.0120
- 1 x 2.0 mm spiral toothed order no.: LSV.M.0200
Also included: Sorotec promo set with notepad, ballpoint pen and sticker.
The assortment box delivered may differ from the one shown in the picture.